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How Much Do Debt Collection Agencies Pay for Debt?
Ever wondered what happens to those stubborn unpaid bills that businesses can’t seem to collect? Well, it’s usually debt collection agencies that come to the rescue. They often swoop in when businesses have exhausted their “pretty please pay your bill” emails and awkward phone calls. They help bridge the gap […]
Can a Collection Agency Charge Interest on a Debt?
So you miss a few credit card payments. Life happens, right? Well, your once-friendly creditor suddenly decides they’ve had enough. Instead of continuing to chase you themselves, they do something interesting they sell your debt to a collection agency. Think your debt is gone? Think again! You see, these collection […]
What Does a Collection Attorney Do? Asked and Answered
Recovering debts and loans is a crucial part of running a successful business. Business owners that consistently get let down by debtors or are forced to keep forgiving debts may, in time, run into huge debts themselves. After all, how are you supposed to run your business and meet all […]