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Boost Your Bottom Line: Here’s How to Hire a Debt Collector

Chasing down delinquent accounts is no fun. It’s time-consuming, awkward, and can leave a bad taste in everyone’s mouth. But hiring a debt collector? Now, that’s a game-changer that promotes smooth cash flow! Imagine outsourcing all those awkward “Hey, remember that money you owe me?” conversations to someone who actually […]

The Ultimate Guide to a Debt Collection Manager Job Description

You know that slightly awkward moment when you have to remind a friend he’s still owing you some money since last month? Now multiply that by about a thousand, add some legal considerations, throw in some collection strategies, and you’ve got yourself a typical day in the life of a […]

Is Debt Collection a Good Job for Aspiring Finance Professionals?

Let’s face it, when most people think of debt collection, they imagine a stress-filled pressure cooker of a job. You know, the type where you’re on the phone all day yelling at people who refuse to honor past agreements and pay their bills. Not exactly the material of childhood career […]

How To Write a Debt Collection Letter That Wins

We all know that cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. Without proper cash flow, how will you pay your bills or compensate your employees? Even the government is always awaiting their piece of the cake (tax). Fail to fulfill any of these obligations, and your business doors may […]

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