Opinions and Ideas

how to hire a debt collector

Boost Your Bottom Line: Here’s How to Hire a Debt Collector

Chasing down delinquent accounts is no fun. It’s time-consuming, awkward, and can leave a bad taste in everyone’s mouth. But hiring a debt collector? Now, that’s a game-changer that promotes smooth cash flow! Imagine outsourcing all those awkward “Hey, remember that money you owe me?” conversations to someone who actually enjoys making those calls. You’re basically hiring p... »

debt collection manager job description

The Ultimate Guide to a Debt Collection Manager Job Description

You know that slightly awkward moment when you have to remind a friend he’s still owing you some money since last month? Now multiply that by about a thousand, add some legal considerations, throw in some collection strategies, and you’ve got yourself a typical day in the life of a debt collection manager. Here’s the thing: liquidity works hand-in-hand with business. You can’t separate... »

is dept collection a good job for aspiring finance professionals

Is Debt Collection a Good Job for Aspiring Finance Professionals?

Let’s face it, when most people think of debt collection, they imagine a stress-filled pressure cooker of a job. You know, the type where you’re on the phone all day yelling at people who refuse to honor past agreements and pay their bills. Not exactly the material of childhood career aspirations, is it?  But get this: despite all these ‘dirty’ stereotypes, more and more in... »

how to write a debt collection letter that wins

How To Write a Debt Collection Letter That Wins

We all know that cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. Without proper cash flow, how will you pay your bills or compensate your employees? Even the government is always awaiting their piece of the cake (tax). Fail to fulfill any of these obligations, and your business doors may become permanently shut. So, what can you do when those payments start lagging? How can you ensure a couple of unpa... »

what is skip tracing in debt collection

What is Skip Tracing in Debt Collection: A Quick Guide

You’ve provided a service, sent out the invoice, and… nothing. Your client seems to have vanished into thin air. And now, you’re left wondering if you’ll ever see your hard-earned money. It’s frustrating, right? If you’re already considering throwing in the towel, I’m here to let you know all is not over. Yes, you’ve done your part and delivered on your promises. But now, n... »

what kind of lawyers can collect debts

What Kind of Lawyers Can Collect Debts?

Picture this: you’re sitting at your desk, staring at a stack of unpaid invoices, medical bills, or credit card debt. Sound familiar? If you’re a business owner, then you’ve probably had a taste of such an experience at least once. A bitter one, I might add. Recovering your own money from debtors suddenly feels like you’re trying to squeeze water from a stone seemingly impossible. Let’... »

debt collector job duties you must know

5 Debt Collector Job Duties You Should Know

I know going after debtors, especially the sneaky, adamant ones, is no fun. Nevertheless, debt recovery is a necessity on so many levels. The alternative is watching as countless businesses grind to a halt all because some people or bodies refused to honor their overdue payment. Let’s not even get started on the aftermath effect on the general economy. Debt collection agencies are the unsung... »

what is a caci debt collector

What is a CACI Debt Collector?

The truth is, no one wants to be a debtor. It’s too much hassle, it can put a dent in one’s reputation, and it can be mentally draining. Coincidentally, even the people charged with chasing down debtors don’t find it fun either. And so, when push comes to shove, some of them tend to bend the rules to get the job done. Incidents of rule-bending in the debt collection industry are not completely str... »

how to start a debt collection agency

How To Start a Debt Collection Agency: A Quick Overview

Like any new business venture, starting your own debt collection agency can be quite exciting. Not only do you get to be your own boss, but it’s also an opportunity to do a lot of good for society. How? I’m talking about helping businesses stay alive through the collection of debts owed. Thanks to debt collection companies who are keeping the wheels of our economy moving, there’s hope for business... »

what is the fair debt collection practices act

What is the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act?

Remember those days when collecting debts was like the Wild West? Those were times when anything went. Brutality with little to no punishment was so rampant that the government had no choice but to step in with strict measures and debt collection regulations. Don’t get me wrong; I’m all about recovering what’s owed. Besides, how do you keep businesses afloat without proper cash f... »

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