Opinions and Ideas

a man on his phone

How Many Times Can a Debt Collector Call?

Here’s the thing about debt collection: it’s a legitimate business practice. Collectors are supposed to reach out through various channels: mail, phone calls, and even fax. And sure, they’re just doing their job. I mean, everyone needs to make a living, right? But there’s a fine line between persistent and pestiferous, and some collectors treat that line like it’s a s... »

How to Become a Debt Collector: Everything You Need to Know!

A debt collector works with individuals and businesses who have fallen behind on their payments, whether it’s for a credit card balance, medical bills, or other financial obligations. They’re the professionals who step in when regular payment reminders haven’t worked, using their expertise to find constructive ways to resolve outstanding debts. Wondering if debt collection is the... »

women looking at her laptop

What Happens If A Debt Collector Sues You?

As a business owner, chasing down unpaid debts isn’t exactly how you imagined spending your entrepreneurial journey. It’s about as fun as trying to teach a cat to fetch. That’s precisely why many businesses turn to debt collection agencies. After all, these agencies live and breathe to recover unpaid debts. Now, debt collectors have quite a few tools in their arsenal. They can se... »

a debt collectors meeting

Debt Collection Supervisor Job Description: Essential Skills & Responsibilities Guide

You know what’s fascinating? While everyone else was jumping on the tech bandwagon or trying to become the next social media influencer, debt collection has been quietly creating highly-paying careers for people who aren’t afraid to roll up their sleeves and do meaningful work. And trust me, in today’s economy, where credit card debt keeps soaring, this industry isn’t going... »

how much do debt collection agencies pay for debt

How Much Do Debt Collection Agencies Pay for Debt?

Ever wondered what happens to those stubborn unpaid bills that businesses can’t seem to collect? Well, it’s usually debt collection agencies that come to the rescue. They often swoop in when businesses have exhausted their “pretty please pay your bill” emails and awkward phone calls. They help bridge the gap between businesses desperate to collect what they’re owed and debt... »

can a collection agency charge interest on a debt

Can a Collection Agency Charge Interest on a Debt?

So you miss a few credit card payments. Life happens, right? Well, your once-friendly creditor suddenly decides they’ve had enough. Instead of continuing to chase you themselves, they do something interesting they sell your debt to a collection agency. Think your debt is gone? Think again! You see, these collection agencies aren’t running a charity. They buy your debt for pennies on th... »

Debt Collection Paralegal Job Description

Debt Collection Paralegal Job Description: Breaking Down Key Responsibilities That Drive Recovery Success

The debt collection world is not your typical 9-to-5 gig. It’s an industry that never sleeps and probably never will. And as long as folks continue to swipe their credit cards, this industry isn’t going anywhere. It’s an industry on fire and has some serious career potential. Think about it–we’re living in a time when the economy’s running largely on credits, and financial obligations ... »

what does a collection attorney do

What Does a Collection Attorney Do? Asked and Answered

Recovering debts and loans is a crucial part of running a successful business. Business owners that consistently get let down by debtors or are forced to keep forgiving debts may, in time, run into huge debts themselves. After all, how are you supposed to run your business and meet all the non-stop financial demands with little to no cash flow due to unpaid debts? That, my friend, is why you MUST ... »

Debt Collection Officer Job Description

Debt Collection Officer Job Description: The Definitive Guide to a Lucrative Career Path

The debt collection industry has a bit of a reputation, doesn’t it? But like that wise saying, you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Why? Well, most of the bad rap this industry gets comes from spiteful debtors looking for payback after being legally forced to pay back what they owe. Meanwhile, there’s a ton of great career opportunities in the debt collection industry that many people do... »

how to check collections debt

How to Check Collections Debt: Essential Steps Before Making Any Payments

Running a business is no joke–there’s always something demanding your attention. You have employees to manage, customers to keep happy, and lots more. With so many pressing matters to attend to each day, dealing with financial cleanup probably ranks last on your to-do list. Meanwhile, those unopened envelopes, those “we’ve been trying to reach you” emails, have a way of mul... »

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