Opinions and Ideas

10 Things Debt Collectors Wish Consumers Knew About Them

10 Things Debt Collectors Wish Consumers Knew About Them

So, being a debt collector is not an easy job, but let’s be honest… someone’s gotta do it. So next time you get a call because you owe someone money, try to keep these in mind. Here are 10 things debt collectors wish consumers knew about them: 10 Things Debt Collectors Wish Consumers Knew About Them 1. It’s uncomfortable for us too. Calling complete strangers and asking them to pay back money that... »

Let's Start A Movement 2KCCM

Let’s Start A Movement! #2KCCM

Debt Collectors and all the individuals who work in the industry are constantly the target of abuse and criticism from; media, government, consumers, and even at times their own clients. You won’t hear about the debt collector who received flowers from a consumer who was grateful for the service they received. Or hear about the collection company that works with local charities to help support a g... »

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