Opinions and Ideas

Setting Effective Goals For Collectors

Setting Effective Goals For Collectors

“What’s my goal this month?” is a common question you’ll hear from collectors. But then again, it depends on where they work and how their managers put their goal together. Setting effective goals for your collectors is one of, if not the most important piece of developing an effective collection strategy. Goals are the standard, the benchmark, the target. If you don’t have a good method for creat... »

What Every Collector Should Know About Brand Awareness

What Every Collector Should Know About Brand Awareness

One of our favorite sites for good business definitions, Investopedia.com, defines “Brand Awareness” as; “The likelihood that consumers recognize the existence and availability of a company’s product or service. Creating brand awareness is one of the key steps in promoting a product.” We want to talk to you about a different kind of brand awareness, because in the deb... »

Be A Team Lead That Can Lead A Team

Be A Team Lead That Can Lead A Team

Getting a promotion at work is a great accomplishment, anyone who has been entrusted with more responsibility and pushed further up the ranks of a company where they can truly make a difference to the organization, should be very proud. However, it’s important to know the immediate side effects of your new role. It’s not always easy to celebrate a promotion when maybe you weren’t the only one in t... »



“I let all my bills go into collections because I prefer to pay them on the last day of the month.”                    ~ said NO ONE, EVER! Here’s the deal, in the collections industry there is one day that is always known as the best day in collections for almost every collector in the business; the last day of the month. This isn’t something we’re going to back up with years of statistical... »

Good Old Gray, F.D.C.P.A.

Good Old Gray, F.D.C.P.A.

Have you ever sat in a staff meeting or a training session discussing a new policy that was written for the collectors because of a new lawsuit under the FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act)? I mean, you can’t blame your managers and your clients for wanting you to be prepared for every situation. Every time a debtor logs on line, they get one of these in their face: It’s funny h... »

10 Things Debt Collectors Wish Consumers Knew About Them

10 Things Debt Collectors Wish Consumers Knew About Them

So, being a debt collector is not an easy job, but let’s be honest… someone’s gotta do it. So next time you get a call because you owe someone money, try to keep these 10 things in mind; It’s uncomfortable for us too. Calling complete strangers and asking them to pay back money that they owe for something we had nothing to do with is not an easy thing to do. Trust us, you’re not the only one who f... »

Let’s Start A Movement! #2KCCM

Let’s Start A Movement! #2KCCM

Debt Collectors and all the individuals who work in the industry are constantly the target of abuse and criticism from; media, government, consumers, and even at times their own clients. You won’t hear about the debt collector who received flowers from a consumer who was grateful for the service they received, or hear about the collection company who works with local charities to help support a go... »

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