The Ultimate Guide to a Debt Collection Manager Job Description
You know that slightly awkward moment when you have to remind a friend he’s still owing you some money since last month? Now multiply that by about a thousand, add some legal considerations, throw in some collection strategies, and you’ve got yourself a typical day in the life of a debt collection manager.
Here’s the thing: liquidity works hand-in-hand with business. You can’t separate them. But sometimes, this liquidity becomes missing in action due to unpaid invoices and overdue accounts. That’s where the debt collection department comes in.
Think of debt collectors as financial professionals offering a collection of outstanding services. They play the roles of financial detectives, professional negotiators, customer service agents, and even master organizers for financial stability. They’re the people who ensure that your business doesn’t end up being an inadvertent charity. While everyone else is focused on bringing in new business, these folks are making sure you actually get paid for the work you’ve already done. Pretty important, wouldn’t you say?
So, today, I’m dedicating this post to talking about what debt collection managers do and what skills are required to become successful.
Debt Collection Manager Job Description Explained
Are you looking to hire a debt collector for your business or become one yourself? Either way, this post will shine light on everything you need to know about a debt collector’s job description. We’ll discuss everything from daily debt collector job duties to the skills that separate the “okay-ish” from the “top drawer” collector. By the time you finish reading, you’ll know exactly what to expect from a debt collection manager, what they can bring to your organization, and how to spot a real gem in the rough. Let’s get into it!
What is a Collections Manager?
A collections manager is someone who tracks down and recovers outstanding debts while maintaining positive client relationships (yes, it’s possible!). Think of them as the people who keep your accounts receivable from turning into accounts that are forgettable.
Collection managers play crucial roles in every organization today. They don’t just keep your business alive; they’re also relationship managers and skilled negotiators. In fact, some can act as part-time therapists. Even with a bachelor’s degree in psychology, they understand that behind every unpaid bill is a story. Ergo, there’s a potential solution, which they’ll strive to find to keep both parties happy.
What Does a Collections Manager Do?
If you think a credit and collections manager’s job is just making phone calls and sending stern emails, boy, do I have news for you! Here are some of a debt collector’s job descriptions:
Develop and Implement Collection Strategies
To become a successful collections manager is not by accident or luck. Rather, they make their own luck by crafting approaches and strategies that aren’t just effective but also align with the company culture and values. They’re constantly brainstorming on the best way to recoup money owed with little to no friction. They also plan ahead on how best to handle different types of debtors, especially the crafty and stubborn ones.
Want to excel at this too? You’ll need many attributes, among which are analytical thinking and good time management skills. You should also possess up-to-date industry knowledge. But perhaps most important, you should be adaptable. What worked yesterday might not work tomorrow.
Manage the Collections Team
Being a collections manager means you can’t play solo or make everything all about yourself. A good collections manager oversees and coaches his or her team to combine their individual qualities and become a formidable and productive unit. Besides, your team’s performance will ultimately reflect on you, be it good or bad.
So, endeavor to hire the right people and train them to be great collectors. But don’t stop there! Keep them motivated when the going gets tough because, trust me, it will. Set realistic individual and team goals. You should also acknowledge and reward good performances in a timely fashion.
Handle Complex Cases Personally
It’s good to promote teamwork as a collection manager. However, there are times when the collection process requires managers to roll up their sleeves and take care of things by themselves. I’m talking about times when the team has hit a wall. It may also be when big accounts or clients are involved or any other tricky situations.
To get the job done during tricky times like this, you’ll need excellent negotiation skills. You also need the ability to find solutions to problems, especially when the solution isn’t so obvious. Aside from clutch problem-solving skills, a good manager should also have excellent communication skills. You also need a thick skin so you don’t fly off the handle at any slight provocation.
Maintain Compliance and Documentation
What shall it profit you to get the job done by cutting corners and landing yourself in deep legal troubles? Ignorance is no excuse, and neither is plausible deniability. Knowing the rule of law in debt collection is very important. It concerns you, as the manager, and your team members.
So, ensure you dot every ‘i’ and cross every ‘t’ of compliance and proper documentation. Ensuring compliance with FDCPA regulations will help you and your team thread carefully and stay on the right side of collection laws. On the other hand, attention to detail and proper documentation will serve as proof or shield should any issue arise down the line.
A skilled debt collection manager can mean the difference between a healthy bottom line and bottom-of-the-barrel results.
Let’s face it fulfilling a collections manager’s responsibilities isn’t for everyone. You need people skills, financial savviness, and persistence to thrive in this industry. Therefore, those who excel in this role deserve as many accolades as possible. They are unsung heroes who keep the wheels of the financial world moving and save many businesses from going under.
If reading this has got your interest piqued and passion lit, why not take the next step? I, therefore, urge you to join Connection2Collections. It’s a priceless platform that makes your journey in the collection world a smooth ride.
Whether you’re an individual or a business owner, this is your chance to rub minds with industry veterans. You’ll also get access to the inside scoop on winning collection strategies that work in today’s collection industry. Isn’t that wonderful? See you there!