
Profile Payment Options

Company Profiles

Base Membership: The Base Membership price will give the company the ability to activate their profile, add details about their company, and one (1) job posting on their page. They do not have access to the “Collector Connector” tool. However, Candidate Profiles can search for the Company’s jobs when using the Candidate Connector Collector tool.

Full Membership: The Full Membership price will give the company all the same access as the Base Membership, but includes three (3) job postings. It also gives them access to the “Connector Collector” tool to perform custom searches for candidates across the country.

Additional Jobs: Both the Base Membership and the Full Membership can purchase additional jobs to post on their profiles for $9.99/month or for $99.99/year.

Sponsored Jobs: Company Profiles can sponsor their job postings. When candidates are searching for job postings, their job posting will be in the top five job results to increase exposure to candidates. For $5/week or $15/month, Company Profiles can sponsor their job postings. Companies can also elect to sponsor a job annually for only $50.

*Upon creation of all “Company Accounts” payment must be received to finalize the activation of the profile.

Company Profiles Monthly

Base Membership: $59.99/mo.

Full Membership: $159.99/mo.

Additional Jobs: $9.99/mo.

Sponsor Jobs: $5/week, $15/month

Company Profiles Annually

Base Membership: $599.99/yr

Full Membership: $1,599.99/yr

Additional Jobs: $99.99/yr

Sponsor Jobs: $50/yr