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10 Things Debt Collectors Wish Consumers Knew About Them

So, being a debt collector is not an easy job, but let’s be honest… someone’s gotta do it. So next time you get a call because you owe someone money, try to keep these 10 things in mind; It’s uncomfortable for us too. Calling complete strangers and asking them to […]

Monday Motivation 09-01-2014

Going to work on Monday isn’t always a fan favorite so we’ve decided to begin a campaign on our blog to try to bring you some Monday Motivation. Every Monday we will be posting a quick paragraph or two discussing a certain topic, some advice for the collection week, occasional funny memes […]

Social Share $500 Cash Contest!

Did you hear about the movement??? We invite you to help spread the word about Connection2Collections.com and tell everyone about our movement 2 Keep Calm and Collect Money! #2KCCM! This includes a chance to win $500 in cash! All you have to do is email us your company’s address and […]

Let’s Start A Movement! #2KCCM

Debt Collectors and all the individuals who work in the industry are constantly the target of abuse and criticism from; media, government, consumers, and even at times their own clients. You won’t hear about the debt collector who received flowers from a consumer who was grateful for the service they […]