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debt collector job duties you must know

5 Debt Collector Job Duties You Should Know

I know going after debtors, especially the sneaky, adamant ones, is no fun. Nevertheless, debt recovery is a necessity on so many levels. The alternative is watching as countless businesses grind to a halt all because some people or bodies refused to honor their overdue payment. Let’s not even get started on the aftermath effect on the general economy. Debt collection agencies are the unsung... »

what is debt collection and how does it work

What is Debt Collection and How Does it Work?

In an ideal world, people will honor all their financial obligations as and when they are due. But let’s face it: life is unpredictable, and sometimes things get in the way. Sometimes, juggling between medical bills, student loans, and other obligations is not quite a smooth ride. And before you know it, you may find yourself drowning in a sea of overdue notices and final warnings. It’s times like... »

how to sell debt to a collections agency

How To Sell Debt To A Collections Agency

Picture this: you came through for some individuals, companies, or other entities in need by lending them your hard-earned money. They gave you their word, or even put it in writing, to repay in the not-too-distant future. But alas, when the time came for them to repay their debt, they failed. Humans and their fickle nature, right? You’ve tried different approaches to recover your money, maybe you... »

what is a debt collections agency

What is a Debt Collections Agency?

Suppose–on the simplest level–you have a customer who owes you money for services rendered and has not paid for the past three months. You have emailed, called, and perhaps even attempted the ‘bumping into them at the coffee shop’ approach. Nothing’s working. What, then, do you do? Better call a debt collection agency! These agencies are professional in the act of locating debtors and persua... »

how to be an effective collections department manager

How To Be An Effective Collections Department Manager

The primary goal of any business is to be profitable. That means having a positive cash flow. Without that, business operations are bound to run into brick walls and may eventually become bankrupt. Unfortunately, cash flow problems abound across various industries today. Many businesses are owed large sums of money, putting them in danger of folding up. Without debt collection agencies, resolving ... »