Connection2Collections, Author at - Page 3 of 3's Posts

Monday Motivation 09-08-2014

Monday Motivation 09-08-2014

Happy Monday! Well, hopefully your NFL team won this weekend, there were quite a few upsets though, so hopefully you didn’t fall victim to that. Summer is officially over and kids are going back to school, football season is back, and the holidays are coming soon. We’re a week into September and, like we stressed last week, it’s a short month so make sure you are prepared for how... »

10 Things Debt Collectors Wish Consumers Knew About Them

10 Things Debt Collectors Wish Consumers Knew About Them

So, being a debt collector is not an easy job, but let’s be honest… someone’s gotta do it. So next time you get a call because you owe someone money, try to keep these in mind. Here are 10 things debt collectors wish consumers knew about them: 10 Things Debt Collectors Wish Consumers Knew About Them 1. It’s uncomfortable for us too. Calling complete strangers and asking them to pay back money that... »

Monday Motivation 09-01-2014

Monday Motivation 09-01-2014

Going to work on Monday isn’t always a fan favorite. So we’ve decided to begin a campaign on our blog to try to bring you some Monday Motivation. Every Monday we will be posting a quick paragraph or two discussing a certain topic. Plus some advice for the collection week, occasional funny memes and hopefully getting you ready to start your work week. We know how important it is in coll... »

Social Share $500 Cash Contest

Social Share $500 Cash Contest!

Did you hear about the movement??? We invite you to help spread the word about and tell everyone about our movement 2 Keep Calm and Collect Money! #2KCCM! This includes a chance to win $500 in cash! All you have to do is email us your company’s address and we will send you a care package with some goodies. The instructions on how to win the cas... »

Let's Start A Movement 2KCCM

Let’s Start A Movement! #2KCCM

Debt Collectors and all the individuals who work in the industry are constantly the target of abuse and criticism from; media, government, consumers, and even at times their own clients. You won’t hear about the debt collector who received flowers from a consumer who was grateful for the service they received. Or hear about the collection company that works with local charities to help support a g... »

Best Bill Collector Jobs

Find the Best Bill Collector Jobs In Your Area and Read Our Blog!

Find the Best Bill Collector Jobs In Your Area and Read Our Blog! HELLO ALL BILL COLLECTORS! If you haven’t heard/learned about, we’re a new site that was developed to help unite all the hard working professionals in the industry. But more importantly, to help you find bill collector jobs! Our site will include features that will allow users to create a ‘Candidate Profil... »

Blog Lingo + Definitions

Blog Lingo + Definitions

Throughout the blog posts, you may see some terms that you haven’t heard before, maybe you use terms of your own in your office, so we decided to put a list together of the most frequently used terms in our posts so that you can understand what we’re saying. If you ever have any questions about a term that you don’t quite understand, and it’s not on the list, please email u... »

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